Gerry Cummins
and Jill Stehn are very experienced restorers of Australia’s
priceless culturally and historically significant national and international
heritage of stained glass windows.
They undertake
the full restoration process using international standards and guidelines,
from on-site inspection to heritage approved condition reports or surveys,
removal, in-studio restoration using best practices and documentation,
through to reinstallation and protection using Australian Standards
glazing requirements.
a person wishes to buy a Rembrandt but cannot tell the difference
between the original and a forgery, then the buyer must expect to
find themselves courted by every shade of opportunist. So it is with
stained glass conservation and restoration …
thirty years experience in stained glass conservation and restoration
has led us to conclude that custodians of stained glass windows seek,
and find, their own level of expertise or credulity. Regrettably
this applies irrespective of the quality and importance of the stained
glass window they have in their care ... ”
These two
quotes by Gerry Cummins and Jill Stehn demonstrate their knowledge
and commitment to stained glass restoration.
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